
What is heaven for you?

For me, I guess heaven would be me sitting calmly underneath coconut trees
in a beach with her facing the peaceful ocean

as the waves crash in the purest white sand,
while the sun reflects through the crystal blue water
that sparkles and blinds our eyes

from afar, making me wonder,

if heaven is this simple...

then i wish she can see me
the way i do

when i see her

so that she would understand

why at the end of the day
the only thing that can put me to sleep

is imagining her face beside me,
and just dissolving
inside the circle of her arms

that lets me float away quietly
with the calmness of the night
leaving me hoping, thinking and wishing,

for a woman that i can't seem
to get my mind off

as i doze off and leave the world behind...

in a heaven
that can only exist
in dreams..

for now…



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