F a l l I n g

f a l l I n g
Like s ca tt er e d leaves blown helplessly by the wind,
My lost sentiments are thrown in a secret river,
silently floating like tiny rafts,
making its way to discover you.
A >fierce-current> pulls my heart
out of oblivion.
Making my ears blind,
and eyes deaf.
I am sinking
deeper by the minute.
Like melted iced emotions,
I unconsciously slide with the water.
this raging river,
a solitary mouth whispers only your name,
it awakens a desolate mind
that suddenly becomes familiar
with words that it cannot know,
it liberates a soul
from the bars of confinement,
opening its eyes to the unexplained,
and feeling emotions that it chose to forget.
inches from me I see the end of this magnificent river
where all the water flow carelessly,
and fall a thousand feet from the edge of reasons.
swimming quickly the other way
to escape the fall,
I struggle to breathe as I keep my head up high,
Luckily, I break free from the water ‘s firm grip.
But I know its no use.
As long as my heart beats,
this crystal blue river will run forever throughout the gray horizon
eventually, the tides will find me
and carry me quietly
to your arms where I belong.
It’s only a matter of time now.
As I softly close my eyes,
with my hands behind my back
and pray,
that you will catch me
when you find me f a l l I n g,
like s ca tt er e d leaves blown helplessly by the wind,
from a tree that grew from your roots.
it's kinda long... pasensya na... wala lang... i wrote this.. wala lang... (/me blushes)
picture from:http://www.etravelphotos.com/laos/2002as-068-32s.html
ABOUT me: a lot of shit has been happening.. and its crazy cuz i can't put it down.. iv been down and busy lately... so much and much much more this coming dec... its getting crazier and crazier now...
bush won. halloween sucked. i am drowning in so much school work
however, i went to berkley with the FSU peeps (wassup kaibigans?)last friday (vic punyeta reminiscing hahah bading!) we had a transfer day and senior show thing with the org.. it was so fun I wanted to go back... not to mention the girls (maybe that's why it was fun, hmmm, maybe, hahaha) ... there was a lot.... hhaha... oh well, pix will be posted soon. Vic when you come back, balikan natin yung mga yun!And wait one more thing I took out my wallpaper.. aren't u proud of me? YES! Finally that g*ddamn gay flower power wallpaper is out (no offense, it's just been there for so long i didn't mean to offend anyone) ... oh well.... it's plain now.. hhehe.. i just love it.. i need to run... im out.
Shout outs:
MILES: nyay! ewan ko andrew e. posing ba yun hahahah.. happy halloween din pala
MARI: cuz picture lang yan... hahah... musta na?
AIKO: hahaha... pwede rin.. hahaha... cge ipagpatuloy mo lang haha.. kidding..
ZAHRA: i did! i said that you put a chatterbox... haha.. which you did... remember.. nah yu won't admit it! :p
MYCH: hoy! onga reunion naman jan! kaya lang nde pa ako sure kung kelan ako babalik... kaya msg ko nalang kyo.. ganda ng poems by the way.. isa ka palang malalim na tao.. hahaha wala lang...
ARIANE: haha.. medyo lang e noh... watch out for me my berkley pix...
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