
I am addicted to friendster!

I mean it's really very addictive because you get to see a lot of your friends you lost contact with. It's really nice because you will notice how small the world is when you find out that your friend is the friend of his friend or something like that. (more of like in "JOLOGs" hehhe) Somehow you feel like you are connected into a network wherein you get to meet and you get in contact with your old friends again. wala lng... kya blog mamaya ka muna heheh!!!

I haven't blogged in a while grabe!!! Time seems to fly fast!!! Anyway, I am so happy nasa bahay na daw ni Bing yung letter yung pinadala ko yehey.... kc may surprise ako sa kanya... kc ganito yun whops!!! secret!!! bka mabasa ni Bing delikado... sorry bey!!! malalaman mo rin ang surprise ko for you!!! ingat lang. i need to bounce!!! ingat guys!


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