a brand new day
I wake up this morning with my face held up high. Inside me my closed fist is pointing up to the heavens. I open my eyes and I choose to get my life back on track again. I close my eyes and all I see is what I am destined for. I was born in this world to succeed. I love life. BART is Back!!!
It's really funny what sleep can do. When you wake up you have another day to fight for what you believe in. A brand new day to choose the right choices. A brand new day to kick ass! Yeah! In my last post I wrote about one bad thing that america has taught me. Now let me give you a good one.
For the past few months.... I learned how to be an asshole ....

Im not saying it is all good... but i like what ive been made to be. It sucks being goody goody all the time. It just brought me to a balance wherein it created more choices. Choices wherein I don't care about what people think. An attitude wherein I can choose to be me. A life under my control.
Well... it's all good now with my mom and I... I apologized sincerely because i know family relationships is essential to any human being. It's just sometimes when I am pushed over the edge... I explode! I know I can't blame myself for being this way.... I bet everyone had a time in their life wherein they just lost balance and BAM!!! they didn't know what hit them from behind because they just lost their cool somehow. I now face the rising sun again and fix what I have done wrong, pick myself up again, and continue the road i was destined to move forward to.
It's really funny what sleep can do. When you wake up you have another day to fight for what you believe in. A brand new day to choose the right choices. A brand new day to kick ass! Yeah! In my last post I wrote about one bad thing that america has taught me. Now let me give you a good one.
For the past few months.... I learned how to be an asshole ....

Im not saying it is all good... but i like what ive been made to be. It sucks being goody goody all the time. It just brought me to a balance wherein it created more choices. Choices wherein I don't care about what people think. An attitude wherein I can choose to be me. A life under my control.
Well... it's all good now with my mom and I... I apologized sincerely because i know family relationships is essential to any human being. It's just sometimes when I am pushed over the edge... I explode! I know I can't blame myself for being this way.... I bet everyone had a time in their life wherein they just lost balance and BAM!!! they didn't know what hit them from behind because they just lost their cool somehow. I now face the rising sun again and fix what I have done wrong, pick myself up again, and continue the road i was destined to move forward to.
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