

I went clubbing last night at Kelly's Mission Rock . I promised my cousin that I will never set foot at that club specifically and, I will never go to 18 and over clubs... cuz it sucks.
I was with Macky, Marco, Monch, Franco, and these two European Chix

However, I had three reasons kaya sorry na lang Dindo hehehe..

1) Birthday ni Mackyboy
2) My friend Andreas played with his band
3) And the cast of Laguna Beach is there

1) Happy birthday Macky.. punyeta.. ang gulo ng birthday heheh... ingatz lang men.. i had fun... not bad...

2) Andreas is sick... punyeta they played regulate by warren g... they got it.. and i can't believe they were using guitars and drums... haha... astig...

3) Punyeta... I thought I was going to be discovered when MTV cameras were there... and give me a contract to play a role at this new MTV reality show, "Laguna Beach". HAHAHA... well.. i guess not! Kapal ng muks.. hahaha... nah.. actually I was surprised they were there... kaya astig hehhee... the place was packed.. lot's of young looking girls... some of em looked like 13 years old... hahah.. tangina mga totoy! kaya ayoko pumunta dto...

After that, I ate breakfast at 3am at Denny's with D and Marco.. :) Yeah! i was so full... it's always delicious when it's free hahaha... thanks D for the breakfast and ride... laki kc ng tip e... feeling ko super spoiled na ako... hehhe... thanks sa lahat... bawi ako...

Well that's my crazy night slept at 5am..
I woke up at 2pm... for the first time here in U.S. heheh... it's a good thing i asked fri, sat, sun off... sagabal sa gimik hehhee...

well, ingat lang



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